Today my husband and I bought our first house! We've been married for a little over a year and have been doing our best to save our money, but it hasn't been easy since my husband lost his job earlier in the year and has just recently gotten another one that doesn't pay as well but he's at least getting decent hours, unlike me.
I have a job right now, but it's part-time and I'm not getting as many hours as I thought I would be. We're doing alright now, but it will be tight for a while so I'm looking for a second job.
But back to the buying the house part. After we got the keys to the house we went looking for furniture and found a nice dining room table and chairs set at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore for $100. I also found a nice computer desk at Salvation Army. We took the furniture to the house and since there's actually furniture in the house it feels more like ours. We are going to start packing soon and hope to have most of our stuff moved in by the end of next week.
New illusion exhibition
2 months ago
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